Basic User's Guide

Web Statistics

Statistics that are displayed on the main page of the Web GUI are explained below.

Hash Chains

  • ID - Hash Chain ID, corresponds with the labeling on the control board

  • REAL HASH RATE - Actual hash rate of the hash chain

  • NOMINAL HASH RATE - Theoretical hash rate of the hash chain, based on the frequency of the chips

  • VOLTAGE - Voltage used on the hash chain

  • FREQUENCY - Frequency of the chips (average)

  • BOARD TEMP - Temperature reported by the sensors on the hash board

  • CHIP TEMP - Temperature reported by the sensors on the chip

  • ASIC# - Number of functioning ASIC chips

  • CORE# - Summary of active cores on all functioning chips

  • HARDWARE ERRORS - Number of hardware faults - invalid work due to a hardware miscalculation

  • HW ERROR HASH RATE - Hash rate "loss" due to HW errors; adding HW Error Hash Rate together with the Real Hash Rate should equal the Nominal Hash Rate


  • ID - Pool order, as specified by the user

  • URL - Mining pool URL address

  • USER - Username and worker name, as specified by the user

  • STATUS - Status of the pool - "Alive" when the pool is reachable by the miner, "Dead" when the pool is not reachable on that URL

  • ACTIVE - Active status: "Yes" - jobs are submited to the pool; "No" - pool is not used

  • ACCEPTED - Number of submited shares that were accepted by the pool

  • REJECTED - Number of submited shares that were rejected by the pool

  • STALE - Number of submited shares for a job that is no longer valid

  • LAST DIFFICULTY - Last share difficulty

  • GENERATED WORK - Amount of generated work for the chips to solve

  • ASICBOOST - AsicBoost status - "Yes" for enabled, "No" for disabled


  • HASH RATE 1M - Average hash rate for the last 1 minute

  • HASH RATE 15M - Average hash rate for the last 15 minutes

  • HASH RATE 24H - Average hash rate for the last 24 hours

  • FOUND BLOCKS - Number of blocks found

  • ACCEPTED - Number of submited shares that were accepted by the pool

  • DIFFICULTY ACCEPTED - Difficulty of the last accepted share

  • REJECTED - Number of submited shares that were rejected by the pool

  • DIFFICULTY REJECTED - Difficulty of the last rejected share

  • REJECTION RATIO - Ratio of rejected shares and total number of shares (including accepted)

  • ELAPSED TIME - Elapsed time since BOSminer started

  • HARDWARE ERRORS - Number of hardware faults - rejected work due to a hardware miscalculation

  • SHARES/1M - Average amount of shares accepted per minute

Fan Monitor

  • ID - Order of the fans

  • SPEED - Speed of the fan (% PWM)

  • RPM - Revolutions per minute of the fan

Miner Signalization (LED)

Miner LED signalization depends on its operational mode. There are two modes (recovery and normal) which are signaled by the green and red LEDs on the front panel. The LED on the control board (inside) always shows the heartbeat (i.e. flashes at a load average based rate).

Recovery Mode

Recovery mode is signaled by the flashing green LED (50 ms on, 950 ms off) on the front panel. The red LED represents access to a NAND disk and flashes during factory reset when data is written to NAND.

Normal Mode

The normal mode state is signaled by the combination of the front panel red and green LEDs as specified in the table below:

red LED

green LED




bosminer or bosminer_monitor are not running

slow flashing


hash rate is below 80% of expected hash rate or the miner cannot connect to any pool (all pools are dead)


very slow flashing (1 sec on, 1 sec off)

miner is operational and hash rate above 80 % of expected hash rate

fast flashing


LED override requested by user (miner fault_lig ht on)

Identifying a miner

LED blinking

The local miner utility can also be used to identify a particular device by enabling aggressive blinking of the red LED:

miner fault_light on

Similarly to disable the LED run:

miner fault_light off

Discover script

The script is to be used to discover supported mining devices in the local network and has two working modes. First, clone the repository and prepare the enviroment using the following commands:

# clone repository
git clone

cd braiins-os
virtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python3 .env
source .env/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Listen mode

In this mode, IP and MAC addresses of the device are displayed after the IP Report button is pressed. Parameter --format can be used to change the default formatting of IP/MAC information.

python3 listen --format "{IP} ({MAC})" (a0:b0:45:02:f5:35)

Scan mode

In this mode, the script scans the specified network range for supported devices. The parameter is expected to include a list of IP addresses or an IP subnetwork with a mask (example below) to scan a whole subnetwork.

For each device, the output includes a MAC address, IP address, system info, hostname, and a mining username configured.

python3 scan

00:7e:92:77:a0:ca ( | bOS am1-s9_2018-11-27-0-c34516b0 [nand] {1015120 KiB RAM} dhcp(miner-w3) @userName.worker3
00:94:cb:12:a0:ce ( | Antminer S9 Fri Nov 17 17:57:49 CST 2017 (S9_V2.55) {1015424 KiB RAM} dhcp(antMiner) @userName.worker5

Enter/Exit Recovery Mode

Users don’t typically have to enter recovery mode while using Braiins OS in a standard way. The downgrade process uses it to restore the original factory firmware from the manufacturer. It can also be useful when repairing or investigating the currently installed system.

Recovery mode can be invoked in the following different ways:

  • IP SET button - hold it for 3s until green LED flashes

  • SD card - first partition with FAT contains file uEnv.txt with a line recovery=yes

  • miner utility - call miner run_recovery from the miner’s command line

Recovery mode can be exited by rebooting the device. If the device reboots to the recovery mode, it means that there is a problem with the installation or configuration.